Friends. Family. North Carolinians.
Think you know who is in the Coverage Gap?
It’s hardworking North Carolinians who fall in the coverage gap. Some are self-employed; others are construction workers, restaurant staff, veterans, and people who work in retail or in child care. They are our neighbors and the glue that holds North Carolina together.
Their incomes are too low to qualify for ACA subsidies, yet they don’t qualify for Medicaid, either. For example, adults who earn between $737 a month and $1,674 a month for a family of three fall within the gap.
But I have Insurance
That’s great! But you or someone in your family could easily fall into the coverage gap due to unforeseen circumstances. Here’s another big reason you should care:
First, we are all paying, right now, for the coverage gap in the form of higher insurance premiums and higher medical costs. When uninsured individuals can’t pay for health care, someone else has to pick up the bill. Right now, our hospitals and those of us with insurance cover the cost.
Need another reason? Closing the gap will create 43,000 more jobs statewide and an additional $20 billion in business activity in North Carolina.
Lastly, between now and 2020, we’re leaving $21 billion in federal Medicaid expansion dollars sitting on the table in Washington, DC. This money is just waiting for the asking, and if our state government asks now, it could go to providing health care for our state and boosting our economy. If we don’t use the $21 billion now, we’ll lose it forever. It’s time to bring these dollars home to help our families, friends and neighbors.
Faces Of The Coverage Gap