It’s On Us.

It’s up to all of us to speak up and persuade the General Assembly and the governor to take action now to close the gap.

There is power in our numbers: each letter, each email, each Tweet, each Facebook post and every single petition signature adds up. Together, these expressions of democracy in action let our elected officials know that we care, there is a lot at stake, and we aren’t giving up.

Here’s what you can do.


Write a letter to your senator, representative and the governor. Check out our Downloads Page for helpful tips and messages.

Sign our petition. Our legislators need to know that you care about this issue.

Attend an event.

Follow our social activity here: Facebook + Twitter and share + comment on our Close the Gap posts.

Send a Tweet. Check out our one-pager on the Downloads page for some tweetable ideas.

Spread the message online. We have a online tutorial to get you started!

Join the Close the Gap NC mailing list to keep up with the latest news.